In connection with the processing of personal data on the basis of an appointment to ensure compliance with Act CXII of 2001 on informational self-determination and freedom of information (Info tv.) and with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU (GDPR)
Data of the Controller
Controller: FANOS Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Kft.,
Registered office: 1015 Budapest, Csalogány u. 6-10.
Tax number: 11917261-2-41
Address: 9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Lucsony u. 19.
Data (cookies) are stored on the visitors of our websites to ensure the most perfect user experience and also for statistical and marketing purposes. The cookies store the information in your browser, and are intended to recognise you when you subsequently return to the website.
Purpose of data management: Data (cookies) are stored on the visitors of our websites to ensure the most perfect user experience and also for statistical and marketing purposes. The cookies store the information in your browser, and are intended to recognise you when you subsequently return to the website.
Circle of persons concerned: The cookies are stored by the system on your machine. Please note in connection with the cookie settings that the use of cookies is enabled according to the basic settings of the browsers. You can delete the cookies from the computed, or set your browser to disable them. If the cookies are disabled, the site might not fully function.
The cookies help also us, the operators of the site, understand which parts of the website are preferred or considered most useful by the users.
Legal base of data management: voluntary consent: Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR
The automatically recorded data is automatically logged by the system when our website is visited and left, without your separate statement or other acts. This data is not connected with any other personal user data, that is, you may not be identified on the basis of such data. Only third party service providers managing the cookies and we have access to such data.
The cookies are stored by the system on your machine. Please note in connection with the cookie settings that the use of cookies is enabled according to the basic settings of the browsers. You can delete the cookies from the computed, or set your browser to disable them. If the cookies are disabled, the site might not fully function.
The cookies help also us, the operators of the site, understand which parts of the website are preferred or considered most useful by the users.
What information is collected during the use of the website?
The automatically recorded data is automatically logged by the system when our website is visited and left, without your separate statement or other acts. This data is not connected with any other personal user data, that is, you may not be identified on the basis of such data.
Properties and functions of cookies
NECESSARY COOKIES | These cookies are necessary first of all for the proper operation of the site. In addition, they serve also for analytical measurements and the display of ads on the site. |
FUNCTIONAL COOKIES | These cookies enable us to display ads for you according to your special interests. |
| These cookies enable us to display ads for you according to your special interests. Recommended setting. These cookies enable us to display or send you customised contents and ads by analysing the use of the site, or to improve our services by using the analyses. |
STATISTICAL COOKIES | The statistical cookie provide feedback to the owner of the website to enable it to see what contents are preferred by the users on the website. The data is not connected to a concrete person. We use the cookies of the Google Analytics on our site. |
MARKETING COOKIES | The marketing cookies track the users through websites, e.g. for ads, in order to show them relevant contents. (Google, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram use such cookies.) |
How do we use the information collected by the cookies?
Data collected by means of the above technologies cannot fundamentally used for your identification, and we connect such data with other data potentially suitable for identification only if you give your definite consent for us to use (statistical) cookies suitable for identification. The primary purpose of the use of such data is to properly operate our website.
For that purpose, the followings are necessary
We can use such information also to analyse the processes and tendencies of use, to improve and develop the operation of our website, and to acquire general turnover data on the overall use of our website.
We can use the information acquired in this way for drawing statistics and their analysis.
Option to disable cookies
If you do not want the above information to be collected on you during the use of our website, you can partially or fully disable the use of cookies or modify the cookie settings in the settings of your browser. Guides on the management of cookies are available via the following links for the different browsers:
In connection with the processing of personal data on the basis of an appointment to ensure compliance with Act CXII of 2001 on informational self-determination and freedom of information (Info tv.) and with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU (GDPR)
Controller: FANOS Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Kft.
Registered office: 1015 Budapest, Csalogány u. 6-10.
Tax number: 11917261-2-41
Registration number: 01 09 725744
Our Data Management Information covers our following units:
Address: 9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Kígyó utca 1.
Address: 9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Kígyó utca 1.
Mosonmagyaróvár 9200 Lucsony utca 19.
Contact details: Tel: 00 36 96 / 579 168, Fax: 00 36 96 / 579 169,
As a controller, we respect the privacy of all persons to whom personal data is provided. We make sure that all data management operations related to our activities comply with the expectations specified in this Information, the effective national laws and the legal acts of the European Union.
Data protection guidelines related to data management by Fanos Kft. are available on sites, and
If you have any question in connection with this notification, please feel free to contact us. W state that Fanos Kft, as a controller, confidentially handles the personal data, and takes all safety, technical and organisational measures guaranteeing the safety of data.
This Information contains the followings:
Please carefully read this Information to understand the way in which we process your personal data.
Interpretation of Key Concepts Used in the Information. 3
Data provided during on-line contact 5
Personal data managed for parking. 8
Purchase of gift vouchers for the Beneficiary. 8
Data requested when a transfer service is demanded. 10
Data related to the data management of employees. 11
Technical data – What do we do for data security?. 13
What are your rights and obligations in relation to your personal data?. 14
Our General Data Management Guidelines
Our data management principles comply with the data protection related effective legislation, including, in particular:
Person concerned: A natural person identified or identifiable on the basis of any information.
Consent of person concerned: Definite statement of the will of the person concerned based on voluntary, clear and proper information, when the person concerned indicates with his/her statement or other behaviour unmistakeably expressing his/her will, that he/she gives his consent to the processing of his/her personal data.
Personal data: Any information related to the person concerned.
A natural person is identifiable, when he/she can be identified either directly or indirectly, in particular on the basis of some identification data such as a name, number, location data, on-line ID or one or more factors related to the physical, physiological, genetic, intellectual, economic, cultural or social identity of the natural person.
Special data: all data belonging to the special category of personal data, i.e. personal data related to the racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical conviction or union membership, as well as genetic data, biometric data intended to individually identify a natural person, the health data and personal data related to the sexual life or sexual orientation of the natural person.
Controller: A natural person or legal entity, or any association not having legal personality, who or which specifies the purpose of data processing, makes and implements decisions on data processing (including the devices used) or have the data processor implement them independently or together with others;
Joint controller: A controller, who or which specifies the purposes and devices of data processing – in the framework specified in a law or in a compulsory legal act of the European Union – jointly with one or more other controllers, makes and implements the decisions on data processing (including the devices used) jointly with one or more other controllers, or have the data processor implement them.
Data management: Any operation or a combination of operations performed on the data irrespective of the procedure followed, including, in particular, collection, recording, registration, systematisation, storage, change, use, consultation, forwarding, publication, harmonisation or connection, blocking, deletion and destruction of the data as well as prevention of additional use of the data, taking photos, sound or video recording, and registration of physical characteristics suitable for the identification of a person (i.g. finger or palm print, DNA sample, iris image);
Restriction of data management: Blocking of the stored data by using marks to restrict further processing of the data.
Data processing: All data management operations performed by the processor on behalf of the controller or at his/her instruction.
Processor: A natural person or legal entity, or any association not having legal personality, who or which processes the data under a contract signed with the controller, including also any contract signed on the basis of a provision of a law;
Data protection incident: Violation of data security, which results in accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, modification, unauthorised forwarding or publication of the personal data forwarded, stored or managed in any other way, or in unauthorised access to them.
Third party: A natural person or legal entity, or any association not having legal personality, who or which is not identical to the person concerned, the controller or processor;
Addressee: A natural person or legal entity, or any association not having legal personality, for whom or which the controller or the processor provides access to personal data.
How do we manage your data?
We receive the data directly from you. In these cases, the legal base for the data collection and processing is ensured either by your consent or by a contract made between us. Based on its sphere of activities, Fanos Kft. manages personal data in the following category:
Purpose of data management | Inquiry, disclosure of information |
Circle of persons concerned | All persons concerned inquiring about the services of Fanos Kft. |
Managed data | · name · e-mail address · data send in mails |
Use | Establishing and maintaining contacts, administration via e-mails |
Legal base | definite and voluntary consent on the basis of preliminary information – Article 6 (1)(a) of General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EC |
Storage time | until the achievement of the data management purpose |
Data forwarding | not applicable |
On checking in at the accommodation, the Controller registers the data specified in the requirements in the IT system protected by means of multiple asymmetric encryption named VISA, i.e. in a storage space provided by the hosting service provider designated by the Government Decree. The purpose of the data registration is to make sure that the rights and security of the Person Concerned and of others are protected, and the control of adherence to regulations related to the staying of citizens from third countries and of persons having the right of free movement and residence is implemented. That is the primary purpose of the VIZA is to promote the protection of the public order, the public security, the rules of the state border, and the rights, security and properties of the Person Concerned and of others.
Purpose of data management | The support of purposes designated by the Government and execution of statutory obligation. |
Circle of persons concerned | All persons concerned reserving accommodations at Fanos Kft. |
Managed data | Data of the Person Concerned using the accommodation service · first name and surname · first name and surname at birth · place and date of birth · gender · citizenship · mother first name and surname at birth · identification data of the identification document or passport · the number of the visa or of the residence permit, the time and place of entry for citizens from third countries, |
Use | Establishing and maintaining contacts, administration via e-mails |
Legal base | performance of legal obligation (Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR). The process of data supply is specified and regulated by Act CLVI of 2016 on state functions pertaining to the development of tourism regions. |
Storage time | The data is erased by us after 5 years from termination of the connection with the Person Concerned on the basis of Paragraph 6:22 of the Ptk. It is kept for a longer period, if required by the law, for example, if the data must be kept on the basis of Paragraph 169 of Act C of 2000 on the accountancy (“Accountancy Act”), then the data is erased after 8 years from termination of the connection with the Person Concerned. Such cases include when the data is part of documents supporting accountancy, they are indicated for example in contract-related documents (or in the contract itself in relevant cases), and it must be kept for 6 years in the case of police reports. |
Data forwarding | Please note that in the case of our accommodation services, data is forwarded and processed towards a third party (IFA – on the basis of a processor contract). |
Source of managed data | person concerned, accommodation reservation portal, travel bureau |
For persons who request an offer for accommodation services, but do not become guests, their personal data is managed in accordance with the content of Paragraph 6:64-65 of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code.
Paragraph 6:64 [Binding offer]
(1) The person who makes a legal statement clearly expressing his/her intention to sign a contract and covering essential issues shall be bound by his/her statement. The bidder may specify the period in which his/her offer is binding.
(2) The period of the binding offer starts when the offer becomes effective.
Paragraph 6:65 [The end of the binding offer]
(1) If the bidder does not specify the period in which his/her offer is binding, the period of the binding offer ends
(2) The binding offer ends, if the bidder withdraws his/her offer with his/her legal statement addressed to the other party before the other party sends his/her legal statement of acceptance.
(3) The written offer may be withdrawn in writing.
(4) An offer that has become effective may not be withdrawn, if the offer provides that it is irrevocable, or a date is specified in the offer for the acceptance.
If the inquirer sends his/her data to us, then he/she gives an official offer (legal statement) to our Company. For us to be able to follow up the acceptance of the offer, we continue to manage the personal data of the inquirer, and may call the inquirer via our communication channels (phone, e-mail) to ask him/her to make a statement on the offer during the period of the binding offer.
The binding offer shall be valid as long as the Company may expect the receipt of an answer under normal circumstances in view of the nature of the service indicated in the offer and the method of making the offer. Our Company shall manage the personal data in this period, however, for maximum six months from making the offer.
Purpose of data management | Room reservation for guests |
Circle of persons concerned | All persons concerned reserving accommodations at Fanos Kft. |
Managed data |
Use | administration, payment of reservation of accommodation, request for advance |
Legal base | performance of contract – Article 6 (1)(b) of General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EC |
Storage time | The credit card data shall be used only for the transaction, and only by the authorised person. On departure from the hotel, the data shall not be disclosed any more, and any access to it shall not be allowed. The data shall be deleted after a successful transaction. |
Data forwarding | not applicable |
Purpose of data management | Provision of parking in the parking lot of the units of Fanos Kft. |
Circle of persons concerned | All persons concerned parking their vehicles in the units of Fanos Kft. |
Managed data | · name and address of person · date and time of arrival and departure · registration number of vehicle |
Use | Establishment of contact, maintenance of contact, administration |
Legal base | definite consent on the basis of preliminary information – Article 6 (1)(a) of General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EC |
Storage time | until the achievement of the data management purpose |
Data forwarding | not applicable |
Purpose of data management | Purchase of gift vouchers |
Circle of persons concerned | All persons purchasing gift vouchers for the services of Fanos Kft. |
Managed data | · Customer’s data: Name, e-mail address, phone, invoice address · Beneficiary’s data: Name, voucher’s content |
Use | Establishment of contact, maintenance of contact, administration |
Legal base | consent on the basis of preliminary information – Article 6 (1)(a) of General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EC We call the attention of those disclosing data to Fanos Kft. that if they provide not their own personal data, then the person disclosing the data shall acquire the consent of the person concerned. |
Storage time | Until expiry of the voucher If an invoice is issued – legal obligation on the basis of the period specified in Article 6(1)(c) of Chapter II of General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU – Accountancy Act: Relevant year + 8 years |
Data forwarding | not applicable |
In connection with the operation of the camera system, we are obliged to give the following information:
Purpose of data management | Property protection, i.e. the protection of precious assets and personal values of the guests is particularly important for us. Considering that the detection of violations of the laws, in flagrant delict and prevention of such violating acts cannot be achieved in other ways, and evidencing cannot be made with other methods, we have set up a security camera system. |
Circle of persons concerned | All persons concerned staying at the accommodations and in areas under camera surveillance of Fanos Kft. |
Managed data | image recorded by camera |
Use | camera footage |
Legal base | on the basis of a legitimate interest Article 6(f) of General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU |
Storage time | 72 hours, in accordance with the requirements of the law if there is a data protection incident |
Data forwarding | not applicable |
For further information on data management related to the camera system, contact our colleagues.
Purpose of data management | Performance of transfer service on the basis of the request of the person concerned |
Circle of persons concerned | All persons concerned requesting transfer services via the colleagues of Fanos Kft. |
Managed data | name and phone number of the person concerned |
Legal base | voluntary consent Article 6(1)(a) of General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU |
Storage time | until the achievement of the data management purpose |
Data forwarding | Please note that in the case of our transfer services, data is forwarded and processed towards a third party (passenger transport company). |
Purpose of data management | Handling and storage of objects found in the area of the accommodations of Fanos Kft., their identification by the person concerned |
Circle of persons concerned | All persons concerned reserving accommodations at Fanos Kft. and leaving some value or object there. |
Managed data | name of the finder, place and time of finding, room number, designation of the found object, its identification details |
Legal base | Performance of contract signed on the room reservation as a service – Article 6(1)(b) of General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EC |
Storage time | until the civil legal rights deriving from the use of the accommodation service expire, but for maximum 6 months |
Data forwarding | not applicable |
Purpose of data management | consumer protection, complaint management Please raise your complaints arising within the guarantee period via e-mail address or The data is recorded based on this. |
Circle of persons concerned | All persons concerned who raise a complaint to Fanos Kft. |
Managed data | · name · contact details · designation of complaint |
Legal base | Paragraph 17/A(7) of Act CLV of 1997 on consumer protection , which requires the above data management. |
Storage time | 5 years from making a report. |
Data forwarding | To the Consumer Protection Authority |
We state that the data of the employees contracted by our Company is managed on the basis of Act CXII of 2011 (Info tv.), General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EC and Act I of 2012 (Labour Code).
Your data is managed, recorded and forwarded by our colleagues at the reception desk. Our employees are trained in GDPR, protection of personal data.
The GDPR applies also to the data and data management of our employees. Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code provides for this. Based on this, we manage and forward compulsory data to the authorities. The relevant detailed data management requirements is available in the controller’s Data Protection Rules.
Purpose of data management | Advertised position, filling an empty post |
Circle of persons concerned | All persons concerned who file a CV to Fanos Kft. |
Managed data | data provided in the CV |
Legal base | consent on the basis of preliminary information – Article 6(1)(a) of General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EC |
Storage time | until the empty post is filled |
Data forwarding | not applicable |
Purpose of data management | Marketing based advertisements, information on our services, novelties and discounts Contact details: |
Circle of persons concerned | Any user who likes and follows our social media sites |
Managed data | data published by you in the social media. |
Use | on-line, on the admin surfaces of the social media |
Legal base | voluntary consent on the basis of preliminary information – Article 6 (1)(a) of General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EC |
Time of use | until withdrawal of the consent |
Data forwarding | To the controllers of social media |
Purpose of cookies They collect data on the visitors of our websites and their devices;
Further information: a
Fanos Kft. selects and operates the IT tools used during the service provision for the management of the personal data to make sure that the managed data:
In addition, the controller states that the data
The controller provides for the protection of the security of data management with technical and organisational measures, which offer a protection level in accordance with the risks to which the data management is exposed – e.g. introduction of high security levels.
Information Security
The technical measures include the use of encryption, protection of passwords and antivirus software related to access to our systems.
As part of the process, during which you provide your personal data for us, this data may be forwarded also via the internet. Though we take all necessary measures to protect the personal data provided by you for us, data forwarding via the internet cannot be considered fully safe. Therefore you have to acknowledge and accept, that we cannot take full responsibility for the security of data forwarding via our website, and if you forward the data in this way, then you shall be liable for it. As soon as your personal data is received in our systems, we follow stringent procedures to ensure security, and to prevent any unauthorised access.
The person concerned may request information on the management of his/her personal data or correction and – except for compulsory data management – deletion, cancellation of his/per personal data, he/she may exercise his/her right to data portability and to object in the way indicated during data recording and via the above contact details of the controller.
Right to information
Fanos Kft. shall take proper measures to offer the persons concerned all information related to the management of personal data and mentioned in Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR as well as all details included in Articles 15 to 22 and 34 in a brief, transparent, clear and plain way, and shall ensure easy access to them.
Right of the person concerned to access
The person concerned is entitled to receive feedback from the controller as to whether his or her personal data is being managed, and if such data management is in process, he or she is entitled to have an access to the personal data collected and the following information:
Purposes of data management;
The controller shall give the information within maximum one month from submission of the request.
Right to correct
The person concerned may request the correction of inaccurate personal data managed by the controller and related to him/her as well as addition of missing data.
Right to delete
If any of the following reasons exits, the person concerned shall be entitled to request the controller to delete personal data related to him/her without any unreasonable delay:
Deletion of the data may not be initiated, if data management is necessary:
Right of limitation of data control
The person concerned is entitled to ask the controller to limit the data control, if any of the following terms is met:
If data management is subject to restriction, the personal data may be managed – except for storage – only with the consent of the person concerned, or for the submission, enforcement or protection of legal claims, or for the protection of the rights of other natural or legal entities, or in an important public interest of the EU or a member state.
Data portability right
The person concerned is entitled to receive the personal data related to him/her and provided by him/her for the controller in an articulated, widely used format which can be read on a machine, and to forward this data to another controller.
Right to object
The person concerned is entitled to object data management necessary for the performance of a task required in a public interest or in the framework of the exercise of a public authority assigned to the controller, or the enforcement of the legal interests of the controller or a third party, including profile creation based on the above provisions, any time, for reasons related to his/her own situation. In case of objection, the controller shall not continue to manage the personal data, unless it is justified by compelling legal reasons, which have priority over the interests, rights and freedom of the person concerned, or which connect to the submission, enforcement or protection of legal claims.
In automated decision-making in special cases, including profiling, the person concerned is entitled to be exempted from the effect of a decision based on only automated data control – including profiling -, which would have a legal effect on him or her, or would significantly affect him or her in a similar way.
Right to withdraw
The person concerned shall be entitled to withdraw his/her consent at any time.
Right to appeal to a court
If his/her rights are injured, the person concerned shall be entitled to initiate a legal procedure against the controller. The court will proceed with urgency.
The controller shall be liable for damages caused by the processor against the person concerned, and the controller shall pay also any injury fee due to violation of personality rights caused by the data processor. The controller shall be exempted from liability for damages and from the payment of injury fees, if it proves that the damages or the violation of the personality rights of the person concerned were caused by an unavoidable reason beyond the sphere of data management. No damages or injury fees may be claimed if the damages or the violation of the personality rights derived from the intentional or gross negligence of the person concerned. In addition to the above remedies, the person concerned may turn also to the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Name: National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Registered office: 1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 9-11
Postal address: 1363 Budapest, P.O.B.: 9.
Phone: 0613911400 Fax: 0613911410
We provide details on data management issues not included in this information when the data is recorded. We inform our clients that the court, the prosecutor, the investigation authority, the law enforcement authority, the administration authority, the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information and other bodies authorised by the law may request the controller to provide information, to disclose data and to supply documents.
Fanos Kft. shall be allowed to disclose personal data to the authorities – if the authority has indicated the purpose and the sphere of data accurately – to the extent which is essential for the purpose of the request.
Based on the provisions of the GDPR, if the Controller does not take measures without any delay, but within one month from the receipt of the request based on Articles 15 to 22 at the latest, the Controller informs the person concerned on the reasons of the failure to take the measure, and that the person concerned may submit a complaint to any supervision authority, and initiate a legal procedure.
Validity: 31 July 2023
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